Our Top 3 Tips for Increasing AC Efficiency

Our Top 3 Tips For Increasing AC Efficiency

The humid season dawns in Florida again, and many homeowners have turned to their air conditioning devices to get through the humidity and heat. Nevertheless, the cooling device stops functioning at its highest efficiency over time. It is distasteful to all and, in some circumstances, could add to more costly power expenses.

So to avoid this, homeowners must guarantee that their air conditioning device is well-taken care of and performs at its best via scheduling regular air conditioning service in Bakersfield. Furthermore, using cost-effective means to maintain your air conditioning device can save a lot of hassle and money in the long run.

Use Window Coverings

Using window covers to assist in blocking out the sunlight can greatly decrease the stress your air conditioning unit has to take. Installing window covers like blinds or curtains can assist in keeping the sun at bay and your home cooler with less energy. 

Keep The Outdoor Unit Clean and Change Air Filters Regularly

One of the most common causes of an inadequately working air conditioning device is negligence. Individuals rarely wash the external device, which usually leads to the accumulation of debris and dirt, causing an ineffective cooling unit. 

Cleaning the outside device is essential as the air conditioner will have to operate harder to chill your home. You could employ an authorized air conditioner service unit to clean your cleaning device for a small price. 

In addition, air filters assist in limiting dust, dirt, and debris from penetrating your house. The filter collects undesirable dirt and contaminants. 

Air conditioning air filters should get replaced every three months for full efficiency. Depending on aspects like; the type of air filters, if you own a pet, how frequently you use your cooling device, 

If anyone at your place has any respiratory diseases or many more other aspects. Based on these elements, one must determine the frequency with which they alter their air filters.

Schedule Regular Upkeep

Examining your air conditioning unit is essential and is frequently ignored. Examining and servicing the cooling device before the humid summer season has distinguished between spending considerable money on their air conditioner and enjoying the summertime. 


Scheduling regular air conditioning services to improve your cooling device’s efficiency is rational. At Greer’s Banner Air of Bakersfield, Inc, we are one of the leading air conditioning companies in Shafter, and our technicians strive to deliver quality service. 

Furthermore, we are committed to offering premium quality air-conditioners and presenting an assortment of heating and cooling devices and assistance, so you are in trusted hands.

To schedule a service appointment or know more about our services, call us at (661) 322-5858 or drop us a line at staff@bannerair.com

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